Worship with us…

At First Presbyterian Church of Logan, worship affirms our relationship with God and guides our response to that relationship. Worship is central to who we are as a congregation of faith and as a people called to serve God in the community. We come together with our music, our prayers, our hopes, our dreams, and sometimes our tears of joy or pain. In that coming together, God is present, and we are transformed by that presence to go out into the world to serve.

Presbyterians lift up the Biblical claim that there is a
“priesthood of all believers.”

That means, we strive to welcome people of any age into the worship life of the church. We love children worshipping with their joyful noises, and we also honor when a parent or caregiver would like some quiet space to be with God. Youth are encouraged to be liturgists, musicians, and even preachers. In worship, all children of God come together to participate in sharing Scripture, to listen to the preaching of the Word, to celebrate the Sacraments, to engage in corporate prayer, and to praise God with music and other arts.

Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. (watch our seasonal schedule or Facebook page for special services or a change in service time)

Yuri concert at LoganFPC


Music in various forms is integral to our worship, be it traditional or contemporary choral, handbells, guitar, and other instruments — all offered to enhance our worship experience. FPC Logan offers opportunities to give thanks and praise to God by serving in the Chancel Choir, Adult Handbell Choir, or as special musician.

Singing at the Bowen House service
Logan FPC Choir singing
Group of children at music concert
FPC worship at The Bowen House


FPC Logan observes the Liturgical Church Year with a variety of special services and observances that reflect the richness of our Reformed Christian heritage. During the summer months, we often worship outside on the grounds of the Bowen House.


Communion is served on the first Sunday of every month. For those worshiping via live-stream, communion is observed but with elements gathered at home (bread and “fruit of the vine”). Sermons are delivered by our pastor on most Sundays but occasionally are presented through music or other means.

Past Sermons

Missed one of the services?
Watch on our YouTube page.

World Communion at Logan FPC
Pastor Diane and communion table