Gather together!

Small Groups at FPC of Logan are a great way to connect with other members and engage in fun, purposeful activities. New members are always welcome in any of our small groups.  Check out as many as you would like and join the ones that interest you.  For additional information, please call the office or check the calendar for time and meeting location.

The Chosen Series

We are currently in the third season of the series, but join us no mater where you are in this wonderfully insightful adaptation of the Biblical stories of Jesus and his followers. We meet in the church library at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday evenings. Refreshments are provided. Be sure and check the church calendar to ensure that we are meeting on a particular Sunday. Or contact the church office.

Ecumenical Groups

Periodically during the year, we partner with St. Paul’s Episcopal Church of Logan, for opportunities to share/nurture our faith. Even dates we meet at St. Paul’s; on odd dates we meet at FPC. Check the calendar for the subject/times of these events.

FPC Logan Congregation members outside

Book Study

  • Bowen House Book Discussion Group

A weekly book discussion of contemporary theologians and authors who address spiritual and social justice issue.  Open and lively discussion ensues, every Sunday via Zoom at 9:00 a.m.

Youth Group

At the heart and soul of our youth ministry are regular group, study, and service opportunities. Youth leaders seek to provide a fun and exciting environment for students in middle and high school to grow together in Christ Jesus. Youth Group is a place where all are welcomed, loved, and accepted for who they are, a place where they are free to be their true selves and a place to eat and laugh together as we all seek to serve God and our neighbors! Confirmation classes are offered throughout the year as well, for baptized youth seeking to join in church membership.

Intercessory Pray-ers

They send out healing through prayers every Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. The prayers are not just focused on our church members but look outward to our community and the needs throughout the world. Their prayers are guided by coloring. Praying in Color is the intersection of prayer and doodling. It is a visual, active, meditative, and playful way to pray. It helps you still your mind, focus on the prayer recipient with intention, and quiet your body.

Youth group Logan FPC Easter 2022

Koinonia Women’s Group

Fellowship, sharing, a leaded discussion and laughter can be found at this monthly women’s gathering, which has been a part of the church for many years.   Meetings are every third Tuesday of the month, 5:30 p.m. at The Olde Dutch Restaurant.

Card Making

The card makers meet each Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall (Westminster House) to create hand-made greeting cards for all occasions.  The cards are later sold to raise funds for the church’s Food Pantry. Working in a group helps to foster creativity and enjoyment of the creative process.

Watercolor Painting

All levels of experience with watercolor meet every Friday mornings at 9:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall (Westminster House) to do watercolor painting. Working in a group helps improve skills, as members give one another feedback on their paintings.