Helping others…

Mission and outreach are joyous and essential elements of the First Presbyterian Church of Logan. All are welcome to join us in assisting others in our community!

Community Meal

We invite anyone in the community to join us for a meal on the third Thursday of each month from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall (Westminster House).   Meals are also delivered that evening to the Hocking Hills Inspire Shelter.  Each church committee and several community groups make this meal possible.  Volunteers are always needed and appreciated.

    Logan FPC GrabnGo dinner
    A person packing a donation box with food items for a food pantry
    FPC Logan church member with chairs for auction
    Greeting card display

    Food Pantry

    Our Food Pantry is open on the first and third Thursday of each month from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.  Food and necessary essentials are donated by the members, along with supplies from the Southeast Ohio Food Bank.   For your convenience, please fill out the attached form to bring with you to pick up food.

    Christmas in July

    During the month of July, we pray for a “blizzard” of white for our Food Pantry. Not snow but nonperishable items that are white—toilet tissue, Kleenex, soap, diapers, feminine products, etc.—to restock our Food Pantry. The drive lasts for the month of July and ends with a Christmas theme Coffee Hour after worship on the last Sunday in July.   

    The Good Neighbor Gift Market

    In December, the Good Neighbor Gift Market gives you alternative gift giving ideas which help support local service and mission groups.  This gift market gives local groups a forum to share their message with the community and the congregation.  The event also offers individual congregation members the opportunity to showcase artistic talents for the benefit of their favorite mission projects.  100% of the proceeds go directly to selected organizations. 100% of the proceeds go directly to selected organizations.  Get more information with the Gift Market Catalog and Order Form.

    The Good Samaritan Fund

    The monies, which are donated by church members, are distributed to Hocking County residents who have immediate emergency needs.   Requests are screened and must meet established criteria. 

    Connect with members at FPC Logan Ohio